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Are you still looking to experience what it would be like pursuing your MBA at Kellogg? If so, you might want to consider attending our upcoming Diversity Weekend.

Diversity Weekend is an annual preview event for prospective students hosted by the Kellogg Admissions Team, the Africa Business ClubBlack Management Association and Hispanic Management Association.

This year’s event is scheduled for Nov. 7-9.

The weekend will kick off Friday morning with a talk by Dean Sally Blount. Professor Julie Hennessy and Assistant Professor Michele Rogers will each teach a mock class for the prospective students. Attendees will hear from Career Management Center representatives about resources and opportunities available to students, and they will also have the opportunity to ask questions of the Admissions staff.

Throughout the weekend, prospective students will be able to meet and interact with current students and alumni.

One of the highlights of this year’s event is that it coincides with the student-led Black Management Association (BMA) Conference, “The Balancing Act: The Essential Equilibrium Between Your Career and Personal Pursuits.” The goal of this year’s conference is to hone in on three major points:

  • Unconventional career planning
  • The pursuit of philanthropic and entrepreneurial passions
  • Fulfilling personal/family goals

Scheduled conference keynotes include:

  • An executive conversation with Dean Blount and Jim Reynolds ’82, chairman and CEO of Loop Capital
  • A keynote address from Moët Hennessy Senior Vice President Rodney Williams ’90, who will discuss “From MBA to Senior Leader: The X Factors”

The conference will also feature a variety of panel discussions and networking opportunities.

If you have any questions about Diversity Weekend, please email Michelle Maxwell in the Office of Admissions.

The Kellogg Admissions Team
847.491.3308   |

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