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Speaking to an assembly of Kellogg students, President Barack Obama on Thursday said the business leaders of tomorrow are the key to a strong economy.

“There is a reason why I came to a business school instead of a school of government,” Obama said. “I actually believe business is the greatest force for prosperity and opportunity that the world has ever known.”

Obama spoke at Cahn Auditorium to a crowd of Kellogg students in what university President Morton Schapiro called “a very special day in the life of Northwestern” in his introduction to the president.

“This is a university that is brimming with the possibility of the new economy,” Obama said as he began his address. “You can’t help but visit a campus like this and feel the promise of the future.”

‘A clear-eyed look’

Obama, who delivered the commencement address for the Class of ’06, said on Thursday it was time for “a clear-eyed look at our economy.”

“The gains of recovery are not yet broadly shared, or at least broadly shared enough,” Obama said.

In a speech that touched on issues including education, health care and energy, the president also spoke on the importance of parity for women in business, praising Dean Sally Blount ’92 for her work in this area.

“Let’s do what Dean Blount is doing here at Kellogg,” Obama said, speaking of Blount’s work with the White House.

Read more about President Obama’s speech to Kellogg students.

Watch President Obama’s entire speech.