Second-year student Rohan Rajiv is blogging once a week about important lessons he is learning at Kellogg. Read more of his posts here. Marketing strategy, to me, comes down to one central insight: “Be cheap or be different.” Everything else is a losing strategy in the long run. A brand, on the other hand, is just a… Continue reading
The value of Kellogg’s Biotech and Healthcare Case Competition
By Tim Calkins This weekend, eleven teams of students from nine different business schools will gather at Northwestern to participate in the annual Kellogg Biotech and Healthcare Case Competition. Many of the teams will travel a great distance to attend: teams are flying in from cities ranging from San Francisco (from Haas-Berkeley) and Los Angeles (from Anderson-UCLA)… Continue reading
Dining with Kellogg alumnae in technology
By Nuria Alonso Lamamie de Clairac I recently had the opportunity to participate in the first Tech Women Alumni Dinner with nine other Kellogg women. We were very lucky to have three Kellogg alumni join us for dinner and share their experiences with us. It was great to have a wide variety of backgrounds represented, from… Continue reading
Insight Podcast: Get the Most from Your Newest Team Members
Onboarding advice for organizations big and small Based on insights from Col. Brian Halloran and Troy Henikoff Most people understand the importance of a good first impression. So on our first day with a new company, we arrive early. Maybe we overdress. We know that starting out strong will make it easier to succeed in… Continue reading
Bringing design thinking to the healthcare industry
This is part of an ongoing series highlighting MMM summer internship experiences. Name: Alyssa Lorenz Industry: Medical Devices Company: Johnson & Johnson Function: New Product Development / Global Strategic Marketing Location: Cincinnati, Ohio I have always been passionate about health and wellness, and I’ve recently become interested in using design thinking to create patient-centered solutions that improve health… Continue reading
My investment banking experience at Kellogg
Tim Bossidy’s passion for finance is what brought him to Kellogg, where he is a second-year student. He felt the school’s curriculum, personalized career support and collaborative community would set him apart as he pursued a career in investment banking. This past summer, Tim was one of four Kellogg students who interned at Goldman Sachs. All… Continue reading
Best of Kellogg Insight 2015
Kellogg faculty produced a wide variety of exciting research and insights this year. Here’s a look back at the top Kellogg Insight stories from 2015.
Landing my internship — and future job — at Google
Jeff Hoffman is a second-year student interested in entrepreneurship and technology. He is passionate about the intersection of data science and application, focusing specifically on how data sets and insights can be leveraged to create, refine and market new products and services.
This past summer Jeff interned at Google and will return to the technology firm after graduation. He recently participated in a Career Management Center webinar about career opportunities and his experiences working with Kellogg’s career coaches. Watch the entire webinar, or continue reading to see what Jeff had to say about recruiting, his experience at Google and why he thinks Kellogg graduates are perfectly equipped to succeed in the technology industry.
Test driving the automotive and sports industries
Dual degree, dual internship. This was a busy summer!
I started my summer working for Maserati North America, then I had a short internship with ABInbev in São Paulo, Brazil, where I worked in the sports marketing division.
I got admitted to B-School! Now what? | MBA Learnings
How can a relocation and a significant life move not be stressful, and instead be a growth opportunity?
This was the question I asked myself when I got my offer of admission for graduate school. I hate relocation. It was going to be a pain. But I needed to figure out a way to make it better. Framing it this way appealed to me because there were likely a few more relocations coming up. This was how I broke it down.
Faculty podcast: Get the most from new team members
From Kellogg Insight Most people understand the importance of a good first impression. So on our first day with a new company, we arrive early. Maybe we overdress. We know that starting out strong will make it easier to succeed in the long run. But when it comes to achieving success, the onus is not… Continue reading
Why invest in start-ups – when so many of them fail?
By Tiberiu Toader ’15 (Kellogg-WHU) Asked about the keys to investment success, Warren Buffett once said: “Rule No. 1: Never Lose Money. Rule No. 2: Never Forget Rule No. 1.” For most of us, with a decade or more of corporate experience building our careers, this means finding safe, secure, solid investment opportunities. Ask any… Continue reading