Choosing the Kellogg One-Year MBA program

It’s been three months since the Kellogg One-Year MBA class of 2016 stepped onto the Evanston campus, and it has been an intense and fun experience.

It was a little over a year ago when I was researching about one-year MBA programs. While you may have various professional and personal reasons for choosing a one-year or two-year MBA, here are some of the unique features of Kellogg’s One-Year MBA program that may be considered while trying to navigate though the decision.

Bringing leadership lessons to life

As a first-quarter student in the One-Year MBA program at Kellogg, we dove into our academics with a course titled “Leadership In Organizations.” The class is designed to enhance our leadership skills.

The coursework for leadership is interesting because it places a lot of importance on practical and conceptual training.

My first week in the One-Year MBA program

It’s hard to believe it has only been a week since I stepped into the Jake (Kellogg’s Jacobs Center) on Northwestern’s Evanston campus. The past seven days have been a whirlwind of activities, all a part of CIM — Complete Immersion in Management — the orientation program for new students.

From information sessions, course selection to fun team-building events like improv sessions, baseball games and cruises, CIM was a fun transition into school mode.

Here are my three highlights from CIM:

Culture at Kellogg: One big family

Admission season seems to be in full force, and I’ve received a few emails from applicants with questions along the lines of:

– What’s Kellogg’s culture like?

– What’s so different about Kellogg?

– How many calories does a typical Kellogg student have to eat in a day in order to survive? (I made this last one up … interesting question, though).

Anyway, I thought I’d share my experience that I feel aptly sums up Kellogg culture.

TechVenture India class to discover emerging markets, tech trends

Today’s entrepreneur has to understand the emerging marketplace, even if their target is the United States, says Mohanbir Sawhney, the McCormick Tribune Professor of Technology and Director, Center for Research in Technology & Innovation at Kellogg. In his research and consultation in the technology sector, Professor Sawhney has witnessed the significance an emerging market like… Continue reading